Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy: At GoodLeaf we respect the privacy of our customers as well as the privacy of all visitors to our website (www.rollgoodleaf.com). Information may be collected from customers and visitors in an effort to: Make sure that GoodLeaf communicates only with qualified adults and fulfills the best possible service to customers and website visitors. GoodLeaf acknowledges the information obtained from its customers and website visitors is confidential. Our company will not rent, sell or transmit personal information or email addresses to other companies or entities without specific prior consent. We commit that access to such information is limited to only those employees and representatives of GoodLeaf who need to use it in the course of their designated responsibilities.

EMAIL ADDRESS: GoodLeaf solicits the email address of any customer or website visitor to assist with communication between both parties. Email addresses obtained will only be used to communicate between the company and customer / website visitor.

CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: GoodLeaf has access to credit card information when any order is placed online. This information is obtained and secured by our payment processing company. Our online security is taken very seriously and any concerns can be communicated to us through our contact page. 

COOKIES: Definition: A cookie is a piece of data from a website that is stored within a web browser that the website can retrieve at a later time. Cookies are used to tell the server that users have returned to a particular website.GoodLeaf utilizes cookies to help with the login process and authorizes communication with qualified customers who have accessed our website. If you have concerns, please review the privacy / security provisions set forth on your internet browser’s website to inspect the information that is being stored through this process. 

LINKS TO OTHER SITES: Our website may contain links to other companies websites. GoodLeaf has no control over these other sites and is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such other web sites.

MAILING LIST REMOVAL: GoodLeaf will remove any customer from its active mailing list upon request. Please send the request through email on our "Contact" page.